High-level communications and marketing expertise is vital if individual schools and smaller trusts are to achieve strategic goals relating to ADMISSIONS and RECRUITMENT.
But individual schools and smaller trusts rarely have enough strategic work to justify a full-time role for the professional with the skills and knowledge required to plot the right path.
This can lead to a situation where comms and marketing ends up on the desk of someone who is not a specialist, or it falls to someone who is a specialist but is early in their career.
These people are usually very capable but they might not have the strategic expertise to create solutions to the big problems that schools and trust face.​​
There is a better approach...
We provide flexible strategic support around the problems of FALLING PUPIL NUMBERS and TEACHER RECRUITMENT.
We create the solutions and set out how they should be delivered. Schools and trusts then do the delivery.
This support can be regular and contracted (for example, one day a week or one day a month) or it can be on an ad-hoc basis.